Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Devastating News ..... sad! SAD

About a year ago, I got a call from a lovely girl by the name of Naomi. She and her lovely husband Jacques came out to visit De Wijnlanden and fell in love with it. All I remember was Naomi telling me about her two cat children who would love to go exploring in the open fields of our Estate. The very next day I was invited to their 3rd floor apartment in the trendiest area of the Tygervalley to sign the offer, they were bringing Google and Vesper to live in our surroundings. They purchased the Hilton Greenes house and have lived here very happily since the beginning of December 2010.

Today a very sad, upset and shocked Naomi and Jacques told me that her gorgeous kitty Google had been mauled and killed by someones free running dog. Like Naomi and Jacques, I am devastated to hear this sad story. We live in this beautiful place with cats, dogs, kids, mice and birds. Our pets do wander off and about at times, but surely a dog that does not like cats, should not be allowed to leave his home unattended without supervision.

Please De Wijnlandeners, have some sense of responsibility. We all live happily in these magnificent surroundings, please don't let this happen ever again. If your dog does not like cats, rabbits, ducks etc, please keep them on their leads and certainly dont allow them out of your property unattended. This is a just too hurtful an experience for anyone else to have to bare.

Jacques and Naomi, Sorry this has happened. Your pain is mine... lots of love my friends.

Monday, August 29, 2011

AGM notice received for 2011

Its at the Wine Cellar, on the 22nd September at 19h00.

If you did not receive your notice, please make contact with
Zerlinda van der Merwe Tel: +27 (021) 426 4440 | Fax: +27 (021) 426 0777 at Pam Golding to get your info pack.

Books, books and more books

Dear De Wijnlandeners,

I have had a clear out of all our "old" books, some we have never read, so I have some superb 2nd hand books for sale. I also have varsity text books, which you/your kids may need. Please pop in anytime. 18 Dawn Crescent.


Monday, August 22, 2011

House under Siege...

Today, Mike Israel, who lives in the beautiful big house on the bend opposite the dam and ampitheatre in De Wijnlanden, had his garden "broken into" by two white quacker ducks, who messed on his patio,played and pecked around the garden and then swam in his pool, and they were so happy that they left him with an egg as proof!

Isn't it just magic living in De Wijnlanden??

Friday, August 5, 2011

Snow on the Mountains

So today snow capped the mountains around the Helderberg, Franschoek and the Cedarberg AND Table Mountain. Wow, aren't we blessed! What a pretty sight!