Monday, June 18, 2012


Maxi saved an owner R18000 by digging into his insurance policy and calling the municipality as she was unhappy with the plumbing explanation. Quick thinking and an enquiring mind, leaving no stone unturned, made our owner a very happy man.

We have the expertise that can save you time and money.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

So you wondered what happened to me?

Meet Maxine
Wow its been a fun journey... Of course most of you know by now that I am in America and my sweet daughter who has a B Com Degree, and has done Honours in Education at Stellenbosch, came forward with a proposal to help us with Prime Properties at De Wijnlanden. Of course under the thorough guidance of one of our attorney friends and lots of skype calls and training by Marlon Shevelew and the Tenant Profile Network, I can really say, we have the most awesome young business woman running Prime Properties.  Our rental portfolio continues to grow and her sales are on the increase. She is strict, but fair and enthusiastic and I hope you will continue to support Maxi as you did me.

You can look forward to reading the news here again, I promise to keep you updated. The page will take on a new look soon.

Love and miss you all, Keep in touch ..Kathie

Kathie Aldum